Flash For Python Programmers
I am writing this "book" while I am learning flash. The intended audiance is python developers. While I do not actually use many python concepts, it helps me simplify the scope.
- Introduction
- Getting Started, Hello World
- Managing Flash File Display Size
- ActionScript primer
- Event System
- Keyboard and mouse events
- localX vs mouseX vs global position
- Drag and drop
- What is displaylist?
- stage and root
- reordering items
- Timers, Frames and Animation
- Override rant
- Working with scenes
- Custom widgets
- Text
- Text decoration
- TextInput, single vs multiline, focus, selection
- Displaying text, normal vs rich text vs pdf, embedding fonts, hyperlinks
- SimpleButton
- 2D graphics
- Network programming: JSON/Rest API and Socket Programming
- User default/flash cookies
- Creating Libraries And Working With Third Party Libraries
- Multiple applications from common code base
- Loading images: internal and external
- Loading other swf files
- Sound
- Video
- Uploading images from user computer
- Webcam access
- Logging, trace and console
- JavaScript interface
- swfobject
- i18n
- Putting it all together: Helicopter
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