Flash: What is Displaylist?
Displaylist is how flash runtime stores what objects are to be displayed on screen. Everything that is to be displayed has to be stored in displaylist.
Displaylist is a rather wrong terminology, it should be called display tree, as flash runtime stores objects in a tree fashion. The main entry point of flash application is an object of class Sprite or its subclass. That object is the root of the display tree. The main class instantiates other display objects, and do addChild() on them, to add them as child nodes of current nodes, some of these children may have children of their own and so on.
Flash runtime traverses through this tree, top to bottom, left to right, and and displays each object. Objects that come later may obscure objects that came before.
Flash runtime has a concept of frame rate, typically 60FPS. That means flash runtime goes though the entire displaylist, 60 times per second, and updates the display. This means the more objects that are there in displaylist, the more processing power is required.
Each object has a boolean attribute .visible, that can be set to false, and flash runtime will not show its content.
There are two way to hide an object that is not currently needed, we can either remove it from the displaylist using the method .removeChild(), or we can set its visibility to false. If we remove the object from displaylist, adding it back may change it display order, or its position in displaylist, causing it to overlap other objects. For this reason .visible=false may be preferred, as that does not change the order in which objects are drawn.
Removing object from displaylist should be preferred for performance reasons, the fewer objects that are there in displaylist, the fewer objects flash runtime will have to go through in each frame.
Display Object vs Display Container
In flash, the objects that can be displayed on screen are called display object. Some of these objects can also contain children, such objects are called display container. Example of a display object that is not a display container is Bitmap, TextField and so on. This is another of performance optimizations.
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