They’ll never win a war on drugs. It’s hard enough to win a war even when you’re not on drugs.
The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you can not do.
Always be capable of feeling deeply any injustice committed against anyone. -- Che Guevara
Work so hard that one day your signature will be called an autograph.
Being honest may not get you a lof of friends but it will always get you the right ones. -- John Lennon
I always knew I was a star. And now, the rest of the world seems to agree with me. -- Fredie Mercury
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it. -- Mark Twain
Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken. -- Warren Buffet
Everyone talks about leaving a better planet for our kids. Lets try to leave better kids for our planet.
The truth is like a lion. You don't have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defent itself.
"The reward for conformity is that everyone likes you. Except yourself."
To end an argument, explain to counterparty THEIR position until they agree you understand it. Then make them do same with your position.
It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere. - Voltaire
"Fear follows crime, and is its punishment." -Voltaire
So much one man can do that does both act and know. - Andrew Marvell
When what you are is what you want to be, that is happiness. - Malcom Forbes
Don't let your past dictate who you are. But do keep some place for it in your future. -- My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Justice is not same as revenge. Justice makes future generations better, revenge burns everybody involved.
"To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men." -Abraham Lincoln
If she's amazing, she won't be easy. If she's easy, she won't be amazing. If she's worth it, you won't give up. If you give up, you're not worthy. ... Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you, you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for. -- Bob Marley
A weak man is just by accident. A strong but non-voilent man is unjust by accident. -- Gandhi
The plural of anecdotes is not data.
Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed. -- G. K. Chesterton
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. -- Nietzsche
Many a man fails to become a thinker for the sole reason that his memory is too good -- Nietzsche
In India you don't cast your vote, you vote your caste.
Any attempt by a govt to redistribute wealth will only redistribute poverty.
Put a mask on a man and you ll see his true face.
By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest. -- Confucius
Ethics of contradiction: don't without substantiation.
Competition is the only fair thing in scarcity. But scarcity is not fair.
Key of success is ability to go from one failure to next with no loss of enthusiasm. -- (slightly paraphrased) Winston Churchill
In matters of style swim with the current. In matters of principles stand like a rock. -- Thomas Jefferson
I am a dishonest person and a dishonest person you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly it's the honest one's you need to watch out for. -- Mrigakshi
Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich by promising to protect each from the other. -- Anupam Kher
Don't do something permanently stupid just because you are temporarily upset.
Though we travel the world over to find beauty, we must carry it in us or we find it not.
The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, and the stupid people are full of confidence.
"Trust those who seek the truth, doubt those who claim have found it."
"Anyone can build a bridge that stands, it takes an engineer to build a bridge that barely stands."
When beetles battle beetles in a puddle paddle battle and the beetle battle puddle is a puddle in a bottle they call this a tweetle beetle bottle puddle paddle battle muddle. -- Dr. Seuss
Paths are made by walking. -- Franz Kafka
When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir? -- John Maynard Keynes
Realists do not fear the result of their study. -- Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Power is given only to those who dare to lower themselves and pick it up. Only one thing matters, one thing; to be able to dare! -- Fyodor Dostoevsky
Men do not accept their prophets and slay them, but they love their martyrs and worship those whom they have tortured to death. -- Fyodor Dostoyevsky
But how could you live and have no story to tell? -- Fyodor Dostoyevsky
"Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve."
"He who seeks rest finds boredom. He who seeks work finds rest." -- Anupam Kher(?)
There is no light. So we stumble on stones. Then we strike the stones. -- @maneeshm
I felt worthless and unworthy of love, so in return I placed little value on my life or on the life of anyone else ... Hurt people hurt people ... Admitting to myself I was feeling scared, lonely, unworthy of love and respect can be harder than killing someone. -- A Murderer, (slightly paraphrased)
Once after demonizing other people one can not really go back to square one and reexamine the evidence and find out whether what they have been advocating has been producing the results they want, and so they are locked in the decision. -- Thomas Sowell
Anyone who says they are not interested in politics is like a drowning man who insists he is not interested in water. -- Anupam Kher
Success is not something you pursue. Success is something you attract by the person you become. -Jim Rohn
Remember that guy that gave up? Neither does no one else. - Unknown
Call no man happy until he is dead. -- Greek aphorism
"There's no reason to sell an idea short, the only risk would be to not fulfill the dream" -- Ron Johnson
One thing I believe is pretty true is that you should never ask people about their opinions directly. You should observe them, figure out what's wrong and then slowly figure out where the true problem lies. -- Armin Ronacher
You only have to be brave for a few seconds.
"You can never be on top of the world if you're carrying it on your shoulders."
No famine from the last 1,000 years can be attributed to natural causes. -- Amartya Sen
some people might attempt to try to figure out if someone that disagrees with them is a shill.. but rarely if ever will they question a shill they happen to agree with -- hsmith711(reddit)
मंजिल मिल ही जायेगी भटकते ही सही, गुमराह तो वो है जो घर से निकले ही नहीं -- Facebook
"...if we offer too much silent assent about mysticism and superstition – even when it seems to be doing a little good – we abet a general climate in which skepticism is considered impolite, science tiresome, and rigorous thinking somehow stuffy and inappropriate. Figuring out a prudent balance takes wisdom." – Carl Sagan
"Not seeing it is not the issue — the issue is not being able to see it any other way."
"they've started treating the middle class like they've treated the poor for the past 50 years, so now we should do something about it."
"I'm sick and tired of hearing politicians say "We will fight for you" when they should be there, fighting WITH US."
"I can explain them to you, but I can't comprehend them for you."
The purpose of argument should not be victory, but progress.
Life is not about right. Life is also not about winning right. Life is about winning. For if you lose for right, right loses with you. -- Amit Upadhyay
"You are a result of billions of years of evolutionary success. Fucking act like it."
"You're not going in because you're afraid you'll get hit, right? Well you're already getting hit, so you've got nothing to lose."
People are bad to you because you let them.
I am not ready to die yet.
We are the Universe comprehending itself. -- Carl Sagan
The only decisions you ll really regret are the ones you let others make them for you.
The only constant in all your failures is you. -- some boss, while firing someone
Living in future is stress, living in past is guilt, living in the present is serenity. -- Buddhist Expression
Never point out a problem without providing a few alternative solutions.
"There is nothing more permanent than that which is temporary," a reminder to do it right the first time.
If it’s stupid but works, it isn’t stupid. -- Balloondoggle
For there are only two noble options, First peace, and if not, then victory. -- Amit Upadhyay
'Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways - Chardonnay in one hand - chocolate in the other - body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming 'WOO HOO, What a Ride'
Intellectual laziness is punishable by brain death. It is a natural law.
"You are your problem. You are also your solution."
Seek first to understand. Then to be understood. -- 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People
The ideal patriot should be as ashamed of his country as he is proud. -- @vimoh
"There is no right answer ... and always a better way. Show and discuss your code, without emotional attachment. You are not your code." -- Bruce Eckel
... a willingness to live with a little less to avoid the bigger mess and a willingness to see elegance in the real rather than the vision. -- On Unix Philosophy
We don’t make movies to make money, we make money to make more movies. -- Walt Disney
"He had just about enough intelligence to open his mouth when he wanted to eat, but certainly no more." -- P.G. Wodehouse.
"If you want to get laid, go to college. If you want an education, go to the library." -- Frank Zappa
"Try to learn something about everything and everything about something." -- Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-1895)
“The greatest challenge to any thinker is stating the problem in a way that will allow a solution.” -- Bertrand Russell
Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain.
Just because its not your fault doesn't mean its not your problem.
I do not know beneath what sky nor on what seas shall be thy fate; I only know it shall be high, I only know it shall be great.
When kidnapped ... the best thing you can do for your country is try to escape. If you don't succeed, then perhaps the captor will kill you. That is preferable to what you might have to endure as a captive. Plus, if you die, the kidnappers will no longer have a hostage. ... your best time to escape is near the beginning, when you are still strong. -- Warbreaker
"Bad metaphor?" Denth asked.
"Nah," Tonk Fah said. "It had blood in it. That makes it a good metaphor." "I think it lacked poetic style." "Find something that rhymes with 'blood' then," Tonk Fah suggested. He paused. "Mud? Thud? Uh... tastebud?"...
"Flood," Tonk Fah said. "What?" Denth asked. "Rhymes with blood," Tonk Fah said. "Now you can be poetic. Flood of Blood. It is a nice visual image. Far better than tastebud." "Ah, I see," Denth said flatly. "Tonk Fah?" "Yes?" "You're an idiot." "Thanks." -- Warbreaker
'The truth is, most people who do what you'd call 'wrong' do it for what they call 'right' reasons. Only mercenaries make any sense. We do what we're paid to do. That's it. Perhaps that's why people look down on us so. We're the only ones who don't pretend to higher motives.' -- Denther ( Warbreaker )
... you don't understand a man until you understand what makes him do what he does. -- Denth ( Warbreaker )
Don't argue with Idiots. They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
A man with one watch knows what time it is. A man with two watches is never quite sure.
"I swear, my dear. Sometimes our conversations remind me of a broken sword." "Sharp as hell," Lightsong said, "but lacking a point." -- Warbreaker
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses. --Henry Ford
When you have completed 95 percent of your journey, you are halfway there. -- Japanese Proverb
Media that can be recorded and distributed can be recorded and distributed. -- kfg
I laughed at the weak who considered themselves good because they lacked claws.
Fire and Ice Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice. -- Robert Frost
There is another thing they don't teach you in basics, that no matter how bad things get, there is always time for another joint. -- Outpost (2007)
That bright light, it ain't heaven son. Just the muzzle flair. -- Outpost (2007)
"But they are fucking unstoppable." "So were we once." -- Outpost (2007)
Quitting while you are ahead is not the same as quitting. -- American Gangster (Movie)
Robert Half - "When one teaches, two learn."
You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do. -- Henry Ford
When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it. -- Henry Ford
Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. -- Henry Ford
Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently. -- Henry Ford
Exercise is bunk. If you are healthy, you don't need it: if you are sick you should not take it. -- Henry Ford
Don't find fault, find a remedy; anybody can complain. -- Henry Ford
Chop your own wood, and it will warm you twice. -- Henry Ford
Before everything else, getting ready is the secret of success. -- Henry Ford
You think you can, or you think you can't - either way, you're right. -- Henry Ford
"It is not enough to aim, you must hit." -- Italian Proverb
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato
The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good. -- Ann Landers
Forgive your enemies, but never, never forget their names. -- John F. Kennedy
"Most people have the will to win, few have the will to prepare to win."
-- Bobby Knight
If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough. -- Mario Andretti
There are no light bulbs, just dark suckers. You notice how a burned out lightbulb can be a dark grey? It's full.
I'd rather have friends who care than friends who agree with me.
There aint no pancake so thin it doesn't have two sides.
Want you to notice when i'm not around. wish i was so special, so f@@#ing special. -Radiohead
Be not afraid of going slowly; be only afraid of standing still. -- Chinese Proverb
There wouldn't be such a thing as counterfeit gold if there were no real gold somewhere. -- Sufi Proverb
Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes?
It's amazing how nice people are to you when they know you're going away. -- Michael Arlen
"You can only find truth with logic if you have already found truth without it." - Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936)
A flower falls, even though we love it; and a weed grows, even though we do not. --Dogen
Honor the Gods, Love your Woman and Defend your Country. - TROY, The Movie
The enemy is made of many images and illusions, Behind which it hides its real motives, You break the image and you break the enemy. - From the Land of Shaolin Temples
How happy is the blameless vestal's lot! The world forgetting, by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd; -- ("Eloisa to Abelard") Alexander Pope
कहो ना खुदा से कि लंगर उठा दे कि मैं तूफान कि जिद देखना चाहता हूँ.
Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting, but never hit soft. -- Theodore Roosevelt
Sometimes one should just look at things and think about things without doing things. -- Calvin
The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
The moving finger write, and having writ, moves on; not all thy piety nor wit, shall lure it back to cancel half a line, nor all thy tears wash out a word of it. (The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam)
Sometime when you least expect it, Love will tap you on the shoulder... and ask you to move out of the way because it still isn't your turn. -- N.V.Plyter
And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming Or the moment of truth in your lies When everything feels like the movies Yeah, you bleed just to know you're alive Iris - Goo Goo Dolls
Ah, but a man's grasp should exceed his reach, Or what's a heaven for? -- Robert Browning, "Andrea del Sarto"
When we talk of tomorrow, the gods laugh.
You are never too old to rock-n-roll if you are too young to die. -- Anon
Real Programmers consider "what you see is what you get" to be just as bad a concept in Text Editors as it is in women. No, the Real Programmer wants a "you asked for it, you got it" text editor -- complicated, cryptic, powerful, unforgiving, dangerous.
"The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away" -Tom Waits
"The meaning of life is to become a legend." - Kefrens, Desert Dream (1993)
"Ultimate excellence lies not in winning every battle but in defeating the enemy without ever fighting." -- Sun Tzu
It's amazing what a man can accomplish when he's not worried about who will get the credit.
"Know what I pray for? The strength to change what I can, the inability to accept what I can't and the incapacity to tell the difference." -Calvin (Calvin N Hobbes)
You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.
Is it freedom? Or truth? Perhaps peace? Yes? No? Could it be for love? Illusions, Mr. Anderson. Vagaries of perception. The temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an existence that is without meaning or purpose. - Agent Smith, The Matrix Revolutions
Engineering is the art of making what you want from things you can get. -- Dhobi's signature
What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a
-- R. Bach (Illusions: Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah)
Pray to God, but keep rowing to shore. -- Russian Proverb
Two roads diverged in the yellow woods, But i prefered walking along the grass. I don't have a hint where i'll end up, But i surely know what's my class.
When you make your mark in the world, watch out for guys with erasers. --The Wall Street Journal
When 900 years old you are, look as good you will not. --- Yoda to Luke (Return of the Jedi)
I am Time: And I have destroyed countless beings, even the gods who preside over this universe. I am the consumer and you are our food...This relationship is not based on mutual likes or dislikes. - Yoga Vasishta
If you think you can do it, you can, if you can't, you can't. Not because it can or can not be done, but because you have the power to get what you want. -- Amit Upadhyay (Henry Ford's version is better)
The race is not always to the swift but to those who keep on running.
Rules for Optimization:
- Don't.
- (For Experts Only) Don't Yet.
In times like these, it is helpful to remember that there have always been times like these. - Paul Harvey
Learning to code in assembly is like learning to fight with a sword.
Unanswered questions are far less dangerous than unquestioned answers. - The Roadside Pulpit
Knowledge is knowing a street is one way. Wisdom is still looking in both directions.
Gallop gallop gallop gallop Should teach it to trot. Amrita Mahale on Imagination
"In one thing you have not changed, dear friend", said Aragorn, "you still speak in riddles." "What? In riddles?" said Gandalf. "No! For I was talking aloud to myself. A habit of the old, they choose the wisest person present to speak to, the long explanations needed by the young are wearying."
...no time to waste, for he that strikes the first blow, if he strikes it hard enough, may need to strike no more.
It follows that any commander in chief who undertakes to carry out a plan which he considers defective is at fault; he must put forth his reasons, insist of the plan being changed, and finally tender his resignation rather than be the instrument of his army's downfall. -- Napoleon, "Military Maxims and Thought"
Striving to put right what once went wrong, and hoping each time that his next leap, will be the leap home.
If its possible it WILL happen, if its impossible it will take a little longer. -- Unknown
tana nanaaa taon taon taon - The Good The Bad and the Ugly
Sometimes, all it takes is one to give you a really hard time.
I am no perfectionist, its not good enough, I am perfect.
I was sure the old fellow would never make it to the other side of the road when I struck him.
A pedestrian hit me and went under my car.
Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... it has no survival value; rather, it is one of those things that give value to survival. -- C.S. Lewis
A zen saying: "It is the empty space within a bowl that makes it useful."
Another: "Do not seek to follow in another man's footsteps. Rather, seek what he sought."
Life is what happens while we are making other plans.
To expect the world to treat you fairly because you're a good person, is like expecting a bull not to charge you because you're a vegetarian.
Asking if computers can think is like asking if submarines can swim.
You'll wish that you had done some of the hard things when they were easier to do.
Chandler: "When the right woman comes along,you will have the courage to tell her, "no thanks, I am married" ."
In a Hong Kong supermarket: For your convenience, we recommend courteous, efficient self-service.
Courage is not the absence of fear, its the realization that there is something more important than it. A brave may not live long, but a cautious does not live at all. -- The Princess Diary
Smile, it makes people wonder what you are thinking.
One advantage of talking to yourself is that you know at least somebody's listening. -- Franklin P. Jones
One can endure sorrow alone, but it takes two to be glad. -- Elbert Hubbard
The whole world steps aside for the man who knows where he is going. -- Unknown
Nothing is too small to know and nothing is too big to attempt.
Real Swaraj will come, not by the acquisition of authority by a few, but by the acquisition of the capacity by all to resist authority when it is abused. -- Mahatma Gandhi
Why? Why not? Why not me? Why not now?
If you cant appreciate what you got, get what you appreciate. -- My Fair Lady
A place for everything and everything in its place. -- Isabella Mary Beeton, "The Book of Household Management"
....but then Rome wasnt built in a day.
In the end its not your friends word that counts but your enemies silence that matters.
C|~~~| There's always enough time for a good cup of coffee. `---'
Always train as if it is your last day in the dojo, for tomorrow is promised to none.
You will never come up against a greater adversary than your own potential, dear young boy! -- Startrek 3x01
If there is no wind, row.
You may be right, I may be crazy, But it just may be a lunatic you're looking for! -- Billy Joel
Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are master of your fate and captain of your soul.
Don't suspect your friends. Turn them in. -- Amit Upadhyay
Never let someone who says it cannot be done interrupt the person who is doing it.
The door, is the key.
But it's real. And if it's real it can be affected ... we may not be able to break it, but, I'll bet you credits to Navy Beans we can put a dent in it. -- deSalle, "Catspaw", stardate 3018.2
I'm successful because I'm lucky. The harder I work, the luckier I get.
watch your thoughts, they become your words watch your words, they become your actions watch your actions, they become your habit watch your habits, they become your character watch your character, it will become your destiny...
Beat me, whip me, make me use Windows!
"Its God's responsibility to forgive the terrorist organizations such as Jaish, Lashkar etc. Its our responsibility to arrange the meeting between them and god." - Indian Armed Forces(??)
"Be true to your work, your word, and your friend." -Henry David Thoreau
Fact of life: Input always has some degree of fuzzyness. Deal with it. -- PGA in KBS
Truth can hurt, but it will hurt only him who wants to hurt the truth.
Nothing right in my left brain, nothing left in my right brain.
There is only two things one can do with intelligence: acquire it and use it. -- Amit Upadhyay
Pretend you are dead and you will see who really loves you. -- Bamoun proverb
'To start a fight, one does not bring a knife that cuts but a needle that sews.' - Bahumbu proverb.
The leopard does not eat fish. - Ekonda proverb.
Who does not understand a look, cannot understand long explanations. - African Proverb
If he is not lost, do not look for him. - African Proverb
If we do not change our direction we are likely to end up where we are headed for. - Chinese Proverb
The rose that all are praising Is not the rose for me. -- Thomas Haynes Bayly
When you reach the end of light in your life and you find yourself standing before a dark abyss, faith is knowing that when you take the next step there will be something solid to walk on or you will be taught to fly. -- unknown
A conclusion is simply the place where you got tired of thinking. -- unknown
A calm sea does not make a skilled sailor. --African proverb
"Contrariwise," continued Tweedledee, "If it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's Logic " -- Lewis Carroll (Alice In Wonderland)
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --William Fulbright
Now is the time. You can be forgiven or you can be remembered. The choice is yours. --Antitrust, the Movie
If you lend someone Rs.50 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it.
Doppler effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.
I complained that I had no shoes to wear, Then I met a man with no legs....I stole his shoes.
Don't forget that MS-Windows ist just a temporary workaround until you can switch to a GNU system ;-)
A ship is perfectly safe in harbour, but it is not what it is made for. -- Unknown
"Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." -Mahatma Gandhi. (man 7 pgp-intro)
The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is.
He must be a soldier, a scholar, a saint. -Guru Granth Sahib
Important decisions in life.1) Whom to marry. 2) Brush ur teeth. 3) Expand bandwidth. 4) Don't give happiness to parents more than required. 5) Take Risks. -- Narayan Murthy, Convo day 2001, IITB
"So, the choice I have made may seem strange to you but who asked you anyway? it's my life to wreck my own way" -- Morrissey
If a problem cannot be solved, enlarge it. -- in military context
"Quitting smoking is easy - I've done it many times!"
It is the soldierIt is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of press
It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech
It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us freedom to demonstrate
It is the soldier, not the lawyer who has given us the right to a fair trial
It is the soldier who salutes the flag, who serves under the flag, whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to live, as he burns it.
Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! I am food! I am food! I am food! I am an eater of food! I am an eater of food! I am an eater of food! I am a maker of verses! I am a maker of verses! I am a maker of verses! I am the first-born of the universal order (rita), Earlier than the gods, in the navel of immortality! Whoso gives me away, verily, has succoured me! I who am food eat the eater of food! I have overcome the whole world!He who knows this shines with a golden light. -- charvaka
If you blow in a dog's face-he'll get mad at you, but take him for a ride in the car - the first thing he does is stick his head out of the window!
The more you cry, the less you have to pee.
How to become immortal: Read this signature tomorrow and follow its advice.
I started out with nothing... I still have most of it.
"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." --Will Rogers
Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
Be brief, be sincere, be seated.
Never wrestle a pig. You both get dirty and the pig enjoys it.
Treat each day as your last, one day you will be right.
"You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you."
If you are able to state a problem - any problem - then the problem can be solved." -- Dr. Edwin S. Land
"You never test the depth of a river with both feet." -- ancient African proverb
"If you can't tie good knots... tie many."
All generalisations are dangerous, even this one.
The trick to flying is throwing yourself at the floor and missing.
One should forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged. -Heintich Heine
In waking a tiger, use a long stick. -- Mao Tse-Tung
Anybody can quit smoking. It takes a real man to fight lung cancer!
If you can read this, you've just wasted your time on reading the sentence 'If you read this, you've just wasted your time on reading the sentence' - Twice!
If you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. March down there and turn it on yourself.
A gentle stream can split a mountain, given enough time.