Flash: Getting Started, Hello World

First we will need the flash builder. In the File menu you will find option to create a new "ActionScript Project". "Project Name" is anything you want, I picked HelloWorld, "Application Type" is "Web". Click "Finish".

You have a working project, you will see folders "src", "bin-debug" and "html-template". There are a few others, but these are the interesting ones.

"html-template" contains a file "index.template.html", this will be used as a template for the flash loader, the file that serves the swf. We can leave it as it is for now.

"bin-debug" contains built output. We will have to upload the content of this file on a web server when we want to publish the project.

"src", as you might expect, contains the main source. Lets delete the HelloWorld.as file in it (right click on the file, Delete) and start from scratch. Its still not really scratch, but still. It is a good idea to organize code in packages, or so java developers believe, and we will stick with that and create a package com.amitu.hello. To do so right click on src, New, package, name it com.amitu.hello.

Now our main application. One of the reasons I hate IDEs is the magic that goes on behind the scene and deep within configuration options, and one of the magic you will see is that the first action script file you create will be somehow the "main" applicaiton (You can make any other actionscript file default application by making sure it defines a class derived from Sprite class as mentioned below, and selecting "Set as Default Application" from the right click/context menu.

So lets create HelloWorld.as, right click on the package, New, ActionScript Class. In the wizard put the Name "HelloWorld", in superclass you want to select "flash.display.Sprite", in order to do so you can start typing sprite and you will see it in the auto complete list. What it creates is something like this:

:::actionscript package com.amitu.hello { import flash.display.Sprite;

  public class HelloWorld extends Sprite
      public function HelloWorld()


So far it is an empty slate. Please not that "flash.display.Sprite" is kind of root class of displayable objects in flash, so most of your classes would be derived from this class.

You can test the empty file by double clicking on "HelloWorld.html" file located in "bin-debug".

Lets add some text there. We are going to use "flash.text.TextField" for that. As I have already mentioned action script is optionally typed language, meaning variables can have type, but if we want we can omit the type, in which case we will get a warning, but code will work.

Like javascript, a variable is declared by a var foo syntax. In addition we can specify the type by vat foo:Number syntax. Number is a builtin type of actionscript, so is String, a unicode compliant string class.

In this case we are going to create an object of type TextField, so we do it like this:

:::actionscript package com.amitu.hello { import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.text.TextField;

  public class HelloWorld extends Sprite
      public function HelloWorld()

          var tf:TextField = new TextField();
          tf.text = "Hello World";


As you can see we imported "flash.text.TextField" from the top. Infact flash builder adds that line for us when we select TextField in auto complete that pops up after we have written "var tf:".

Rest is easy, TextField has a publicly visible member "text" to which we can assign the string we want to display, and we have to add the text field we created to the "display list", otherwise it will not be drawn on screen, we do that by calling addChild method, that is defined in Sprite class and is available to us using inheritance.

There you go, double click on "HelloWorld.html" in "bin-debug" to see our hello world in the browser.

Back to Flash For Python Developers.

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