AmitU's Sphere: An Alternative Explanation for Dark Matter

I came across this article Save the Universe and it reminded me of a theory I had.

Universe Is Going To Die

The basic idea is that the Universe is going to die. Based on our current Science and data, the Universe is expanding, and after certain period of time, measured in Billions and Trillions of years, the stars will be so far apart, that we can’t see other stars.

The only source of energy is Hydrogen in long run (as Uranium etc will decay within a relativly shorter period. Also Uranium etc are present in a very small quantity to begin with).

Hydrogen is burning out. Its spread through the universe, but the bulk of it is already collected together as stars, and most of these stars will burn out in Billions to Trillions of years time frames. Most of remaining hydrogen will form stars in few billion years, and the remaining hydrogen will be too thinly spread to be useful.

You see when our star burns, it release a lot of energy, but it gets released in the ever expanding universe. If Universe was fixed size, this release energy would have increase the temperature and would have been available to us for future extraction, but since Universe is not finite, the energy released by star is going in vacuum, forever lost.

Dark Matter

We have this discrepancy in the data we have about stars. You see the galaxy is spinning. Like our Earth rotates around the Sun, the Sun is rotating around the "centre of the Galaxy". The whole galaxy is spinning.

Earth is currently moving at 30KM/second. Now if Earth was rotating around the Sun faster, say 40KM/second, the Earth will still rotate, but in a bigger orbit. Say if you take a child by your arm and your start spinning, the faster you go the farther the child goes away from your body. Same thing. Centrifugal force. You see we have this tendency to move in straight line. And it is the sun which is making us making us go in a circle (ellipse to be more precise). The faster we go the bigger the circle will be. But if Sun’s gravity was stronger, the circle would be smaller. So there is an interplay of how fast we are moving vs how strong the gravity of the Sun is and how far away are we from Sun. We have all these in precise mathematical details and math works out for Earth and Sun.

But when we look at Sun with respect to the whole Galaxy, where the same equation about speed of Sun, distance of Sun from the center of Galaxy, and the gravity of Galaxy, it does not add up. We are moving too fast, and yet we are not flying apart as the equation demands.

Now lets consider the gravity of galaxy for a moment. In case of Sun it is simple, the 90% or more of mass of our Solar System is Sun. So any gravity is due to Sun for all practical purpose. And we know the mass of Sun. If by nothing else we can deduce it using the gravity, as gravity establishes a precise relationship between strength of gravitational force, distance and the masses of bodies.

But knowing the mass of Galaxy is slightly difficult. We have a “gravitational mass” of the galaxy. But when we add up the mass of all the stars in our galaxy, we get a different mass. The “star mass” of the galaxy, that is mass of each star computed individually based on other techniques and summing them up, comes up short.

The “gravitational mass” of the galaxy is about 10 times the “star mass”.

Now one explanation for this discrepancy is that our solar system is unique. See in our solar system, the mass of all planets and everything else combined (which we know pretty accurately, else our satellites and rockets that traveled through the solar system and are beyond it now, would not have been where we calculate them to be). So may be this is not the case in “solar systems” of other stars. May be it is 10 times more than the mass of the star. But it does not seem likely. If the excess mass in those galaxy was in form of planets etc, we would notice too many “eclipses”, and yes we do see eclipses. If the mass was concentrated in few big bodies, we would see effect of them on the stars, we do not see that. If the mass was in the form of gas around the star, we would notice that in form of spectral analysis of the star.

We do not see any of that. So we have some mystery mass and we call it dark matter. It is supposed to be such that it does not interact with light, so it does not lead to any sort of light phase change or spectral signatures like all other matter we know of do.

The AmitU's Sphere

Now lets combine these two, the stars are burning out and there are too few visible stars. And the answer is obvious: Dyson Sphere.

There is civilization or a federation of civilizations thats going around the galaxy, that knows Universe is dying and is trying to preserve the life span of it. All this stars burning out hydrogen when its not needed is a wastage. So they are trying to “snuff the stars out”.

But wait, snuffing is not possible with current technology we have. May be in future people will figure out exotic matter or process that will stop hydrogen fusion, but may be they can not. As long as there is hydrogen it will keep forming stars, and the stars will out of their gravity heat up, and eventually fusion will start and eventually hydrogen will converted to more “stable”/“sterile” elements from which energy can no longer be extracted.

So if “snuffing” is not possible what else can we do?

We can lets the stars “burn”, but put a “AmitU's Sphere” around them. What is AmitU’s sphere you ask? Its pretty simple. Its a Dysons Sphere made with the intent of long term storage of all energy released by a Star. The inside of the sphere is made up of perfectly reflecting mirror, captures all the energy released by star in the entire life span of the Stars life, and keeps it “Sphered up” till we/they are ready to harness it.

So where is the Dark Matter? Well there is no Dark Matter, the super civilisation has just Sphered up 90% of stars in our (and all) galaxies. Once energy is needed, lets say hundreds of trillions years in future, just come back to the sphere, put two tiny holes in diametrically opposite sides of the sphere and energy will come pouring out of them.

They left out a few so the view of the sky is pretty and creatures like us can be born.

What About The Bullet Cluster?

Bullet Cluster, is one of the stonger evidences for Dark Matter. Let me explain what is going on.

Galaxies are made of stars and gases. Among normal material. Bullet Cluster is made up of two colliding galaxies. When galaxies collide, stars and gases of these galaxies exhibit different behaviours. Stars and gases in galaxy behave differently when two galaxies collide. You see stars are so sparse, the galaxy is full of stars, billions of them, but its so big, that stars barely interact directly with each other, i.e. collide, when galaxies collide. The only effect on stars is that instead of moving taking into consideration only the gravity of their parent galaxy, now they move taking into consideration the two galaxies together.

Gases on the other hand interact with each other. When a cloud of gas meets another cloud of gas, they slow down after this collision. This slow down is more than what gravity alone will account. Gases interact with each other using electromagnetic forces too.

This distinction is acutely visible in Bullet Cluster. We see that the XRay, which primarily is used to discover gas clouds is indicating that gases are in one region, slightly behind stars, and stars have spead ahead. This we can see. What makes Bullet Cluster even more interesting is that this has separated the stars and gases so to say, and we can measure the over all gravitational effect of the two combined galaxy, and we see that gravity is working as if all the mass, or rather bulk of mass has travelled how and where stars have travelled to, and the left over gases do not contribute too much in over all gravitation.

This proves that whatever mass of galaxy is, its bulk is either in stars (my theory of hidden covered stars) or is made up of non bryonic matter (gases and basically any know material that is not part of big structures like astroids, planets and stars, elemental particles and free atoms in the galaxy).

Since we have sort of counted stars and found their number to be too small, you see the covered ones we can't count, we assume that this proves there exits non bryonic matter we do not know of.

There you go. Bullet Cluster does not disprove this theory.

Published: Apr 20 2015

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