The Creed of Do

People are going to do whatever they are going to do, and the circumstances are going to be whatever they are going to be, the only thing a man has control over is their actions.

While thinkers may appear to get credit for thinking, they really are appreciated for writing their thoughts down, presenting them in a cohesive and convincing fashion. Even thinkers do. Just thinking is not doing.

Don't lose hope

One of the only thing that really matters is to not lose hope.

A man who has no hope will soon lose will. Without will we can't do.


Should is the killer of hope.

Should may arise of our uncertainty in our deductions and then it is fine. "Based on observation and prediction models, the following should happen". One would have said must, but neither our observations nor our prediction models are infallible, unless we are talking about a perfectly spherical, perfectly inelastic cow rolling down a perfectly plane surface or other theoretical constructs like that. And in those cases should is fine as an short term alternative to must while we are perfecting our observation/model deficiencies.

But should mostly arises out of our ideologies. "This is what the world should be like". "This is what should happen". People who use should like this are disconnected from reality, rather not much interested in reality. And this disconnection causes them to try to do things that are not possible and fail. This leads to loss of hope. Believing in such shoulds is intellectual suicide.

Every instance of this type of should should be considered toxic in civilised conversations and should be avoided. This is the third kind of should, like the first case it is future looking, based on logic and reality, to the extent I can observe and deduce, and this kind of should is a okay in case the must based advise comes off too strongly for the purpose. "If you want to win in poker in the long run, these are the hands you should play".

Altering reality is purpose of do

All do takes the current value of reality and changes it. For this to successfully happen, doer must be rooted in reality.

Reality is god

Reality is not good nor bad. Not perfect nor flawed. Reality simply is. It is all and the only thing that there is. This is how the universe is.

We are free to, and in fact that is our sole purpose, to envisage a better version of reality and do everything to make it happen.

And we communicate with that god with our do. God can not see us, we can not see cells and atoms we are composed of. God can only see a better version of himself in future. God sees that and god smiles.

People who can not accept the reality the way it is, who think reality should be something else, are should-ers.

People who accept the reality as true, who try to learn the reality instead of wasting time on trying to teach reality. One must learn, so that they can do. Those who know this are do-ers.

God made us to make god better. Not to tell god the obvious that he can be made better. Not to lose hope in thinking god is not already perfect based on whatever notions we can fancy.

We must do

For there is nothing else to do.

In order to do we must learn. How things are. Why things are the way they are. What realistic do we can to learn more. And what realistic do we can to make things better.

There is always a path, and if you can not temporarily think of a path don't conclude there is none, just wait for someone else to come up with a path. But do not prematurely conclude any random should to be a path because of ideological assumptions and fancies.

There is no scope of should-ing. A path is tested based on correct logical and scientific analysis of reality without any personal bias of how things should be. And a path is tested by walking.


God made you but not just. There have been yous in the past and there would be yous in future. And while you read this you are flooded in yous.

Shoulders are to stand on. Stand on them and help others stand on yours. For the taller we are the easier it we would be to find the path.

Infant God

God was born with memories of your past. God was born right now.

Past is not real, it all starts now. What is real is what you are going to do. Past must never be a reason to lose hope, only as a source to learn from.

Integral Calculus

Only thing Gandhi learnt when he studied integral calculus is that even if what we are going to do is going to be insignificant it is still important that we do it.

If the insignificants are not done the whole would come undone.

Only Thing You Need To Know About Morality

A man is responsible for what happens due to his do. Everything that happens to a man depends on his do. Everything that happens to the universe depends on his do.

So do

Do. Do and learn. Learn and do.

Published: Aug 30 2013

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