Bye Bye Facebook, Take 2

So I am leaving Facebook again. Last attempt was not very successful. Lets see why it failed, and why I think this attempt has higher chances of success.

  1. I kept Facebook around as I considered it a wastage of time, a minor harm. But now I have changed my opinion that Facebook is actively harmful for me, and things I stand for. So the resolve was softer last time, and harder this time.
  2. I decided to create a mailing list as alternative to keep in touch with my friends. This was a good move, but I made a tactical error. I asked for what kind of content you could be interested and and was worried about spam. Big mistake. So this time I am creating a new mailing list, and this time it is going to be called This is SPAM. Expect SPAM. My facebook posts were SPAM. I did not think twice before posting anything there. I will keep it limited, but fuck you, if you want to keep in touch with me, mail me, or subscribe to my spam.
  3. Deactivating account. I did not do it, as I thought I will continue to have conversations (but original content will go on my blog, big failure). Deactivation I have seen some friends do, and I have seen them come back. Also there is whole problem of all the sites that I have signed up on using Facebook. Its a convenience, and I am not going to set myself for any hurdle I need not. So I am going not deactivate my account or change password or anything like that. I am going to delete my friends. If I see any post by you, and I vaguely recall your name, I will block you. I can still use facebook, but I have nothing there. Worst case, even if I unblock a few, I will have only those few, and not the 600 I have got right now. Less friends, more boring feed, less reason to come back to Facebook.

So I am hopeful it will work better this time. Subscribe to, and/or mail me. Follow @amitu on twitter. Keep in touch.

You can do it too. Cull everyone you do not absolutely need. Creating a mailing list is trivial. Call it SPAM.

Published: Sep 29 2015

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