I Am A Contrarian, You Should Be Too

This is one of the things about me, no matter where you come from, what your beliefs and thought process is, if you talk to me I will spend maximum amount of my thinking power to find a way to contradict you, find a position which is opposite from yours.

First of all, I know no two people think exactly alike, so trying to find exactly where you and I disagree is the fastest way of know till where we agree. And the moment I find a topic on which you and me disagree on, is the moment we can have interesting discussion, as what is the point of just saying things both of as believe in. Would you like a conversation where we discuss how earth is round and sun rises in east? Its just a wastage of time.

The second reason I go for a contrarian opinion is to test things out. So lets say if world believes gay marriage is okay, I can say it is okay, but then it would lead to no new knowledge for me (actually for both of us), so I will say I am against it, so I can give proper justice to the opposing point of view from what I may believe in. I will try my best to construct the strongest arguments in favor of things I do not believe in, and I will try it out with the next unsuspecting/unfortunate person who happens to fall into my trap :-p

This way I know if any of those arguments have any merit, and since I kind of give an impression that I actually belive in that opinion, as most people can not conceive of a person arguing in favor of something they do believe in, some people get baffled with me.

There is a no greater danger to truth than a concensus among many about a half truth. I consider only one religious obligation: the quest for truth. So I will give full thought to any random thought that comes my way, do my best to find if it has any value, and only when it can not be defended at all will I reject it. This also forces me to think a lot, and think fast, and therefore think clearly, so its win win for me.

I will never succumb (or at least I try not to) to popular culture of rejecting ideas one does not like, as more important than our likes is our duty to correctness.

If you believe in something it is your responsibility to argue against it. Like it is the responsibility of a doctor to find every way you can fall sick. Like it is the responsibility of a lawyer to find every way you can lose in court. Like it is the responsibility of a security professional to find every way a criminal may defeat the security of the system.

And what is more fun than trying to argue in favor of some absurdity in most serious fashion to an unsuspecting person? [May be I am going to be fooling you in all future discussions, or may be I am fooling you right now, how will you ever know?]

Don't call me a troll. Do what I do. Enrich your thought process. By momentarily conceeding the opposite, you do not become less, you become more. There is no shame in changing your mind.

Published: Sep 18 2013

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