What is love?

You have a front yard, you have a busy life, you are going about with it, you see some weeds growing up, you see flowers not watered. You take a few minutes out, you work on the weed, you water the flowers, and you leave it little bit better than how you found. You gave your plants some love.

You pick up lunch during a busy week, you notice the headline in the newspaper laying about, and you notice you do not fully understand the story thats making the headlines. You take a few minutes out, you read the story in newspaper, you find a few different websites with different biases, read up the story on them to see different point of views, you go back about your busy life. You gave your country some love.

You in the middle of a busy schedule, You hear your parents worried about some family issue, you take out some time and call them, you talk to them about the latest cricket match, and what they had for lunch, you tell them how happy you are with the way things are going for you, and you take their advice on somethings you can do. You gave your family some love.

Walking busy from one place to another you realize you do not have the energy you used to till a few years back, you sit down on the bench, reevaluate your meals and skip the cab and take a long walk to where you were going. You gave your health some love.

You came back to work, you saw the menu widget on your web product is hiding too soon, you go to a few different sites who has implemented that menu, you read up some blog posts about how to properly implement it, and you add a delay in opening and closing it to give it some sense of "weight". You stared at your product some more, noted down a couple of issues you will come back to when you have some time. You gave your product some love.

You open your browser, checkoutfacebook and twitter, post some comments and retweets, make a call or two to some friends, and you gave your friends some love.

You open your work list, and spend next 6 hours on them. You gave your work some love.

You catch up with your girlfriend throughout the day whenever you can to tell her you are thinking of her. Share what going on with you, and ask how her day is coming along. Plan the next thing you are going to do together, or day dream about what the life is going be like in future. You gave your girlfriend some love.

You go to bed thinking about some story from past, you relive the sadness or joy. You enjoy end of another day. You wonder what life has in it for you in coming days and beyond. You go to sleep thinking. You gave your life some love.

You can not love someone or something, you can only give your love to them for some duration at a time. Somethings you give love to regularly, some other things less than regularly. Love is measured in hours.

What are you giving your love to today?

Published: Jul 13 2013

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