
Ladies and Gentlemen, in your life time you must have seen a lot of blogs, social blog, microblog, this blog and that blog. Tonite, for the very first time in the history of blogs you are going to see something totally new, a blog that has never been seen before. Ladies and Gentlemen, brace your heart for the CRYPTOBLOG!

You see this fine specimen of a blog, and you wonder to yourself, my god this is excellent, but what exactly is it! And I tell you my dear audiance, that this blog has properties never seen before, properties that have to do with Math! Math and cryptography!

Anybody can write a blog. Blog with posts stored in mysql tables, or the new age blogs with posts stored in nosql. Then there are blogs with posts stored in plain old retro text files! Cryptoblog my friends, stores the posts in test files which themselves are stored in git!

And what does that give you you might ask? For the very first time, the entire revision history of the blog is available for anyone to see! And with the power of Maths and Cryptography, the author of a cryptoblog can not change the content of the blog without you seeing all edits.

Look here, the entire history of this blog is available here on this fine github hosted page.

Look! The authors of the blog can no longer modify the blogs post after publishing them once. And if you are wondering what do these strange things mean:

Those numbers and characters have special power of Maths. The Maths gaurantee that the author can never change any of his previous blog posts without also changing those numbers. The entire history, in this case all 200 or so changes, and the content of all the posts and files all have been mixed together with the magical power of maths, and out came that special id 9ac95dd5f7, and the author of the blog would have easier time draining the entire bank balance of Bill Gates and pocketing it than changing anything in the blog post and still getting these magical numbers.

This all has been possible due to the power of git, and github pages. And not only can cryptoblogs are impossible to modify after published without the history being visible to everyone forever and ever, it is also extremely easy to download the entire content of the cryptoblog, all the posts, and all the revisions done in the past.

With cryptoblog no politician can say something and change his words later. Imagine the era of utopia cryptoblogs herald! The perfect accountability of ones public actions and speech. No saying one thing to one audiance and another to another. No taking money and favors and changing views without public scritiny. No one can cover their tracks.

For this reason only the daring few will use cryptoblog, but then my dear ladies and gentlmen, when you see one of them, you know that you are dealing with one fine fellow, who is willing to live with all his mistakes made public forever. One who you know will never lie to you. Not on his blog. His cryptoblog.

Why is CryptoBlog impossible to hack?

Published: Jul 18 2013

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