Am I A Writer?

What is the right definition of writer that I can use to answer this question for myself: "Am I a writer?"?

It can not be "those who write", as there are a lot of people who write. I wrote a lot during my studies, that doesnt make me writer. If it did then every student is a writer. And I am not looking for a definition that basically says everyone is writer, like those gay everyone is beutiful lines. I need a more concrete definition that clearly separates out writers from the rest. Also its a "technical" definition and not "romantic" enough.

How about "those who are paid for writing", this is also meaningless, as there are a lot of writers who never get paid. "Those who write to be paid"?, its wrong too.

Or how about "people who have something to say", well unless they then go on and write, there is no chance they can be writers, or how about "people who write because they have something to say", but this too is in wrong. Here is why: a lot of times people just write without even knowing what they are going to be writing about, and they still do write very readable stuff, and should be called writer.

Then how about "people who somehow manage to produce writings that happen to be readable"?, this will exclude a lot of writers whose writing is not good. Is being a writer require you to be a good writer? Thats a circular definition.

I think the definition should clearly be such that it qualifies me as a writer, despite my writings not being good, nor making me any money or fame. So I guess writer is "one who loves to write (and writes)".

And so who is a good writer? "One who benefits even one by their writing". This leaves us two kinds of good writers, one is "those who benefit a few enormously", and other "those who benefit even a little bit to a lot".

Damn! If only I could come up with a definition of a good writer that qualifies me.

Published: Jul 27 2013

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