Kudos Using Parse For Jekyll


Dustin Kurtis came up with an excellent idea for the Svbtle blogging network (go visit Svbtle.com to see an example). He called them Kudos. They're little widgets next to each post that enable users to give "Kudos" to posts they really like. You hover over the widget, it gives a fun little animation, and changes the icon and count after a moment.

Source: masukomi/kudos.

A working demo at the bottom of this post.

How To

  1. You will need a parse account, its free for upto a million requests per month.
  2. Get the files /kudos/kudos.js, /kudos/parse-kudos.js and /kudos/jstorage.js and include them in your "_include/themes/[your-theme]/default.html".
  3. Link to parse-1.2.3.min.js and jquery in your default.html.
  4. Get and link /kudos/kudos.css as CSS in your default.html.
  5. Store /kudos/heart_60x60.png somewhere.
  6. Update parse-kudos.js with your parse keys.
  7. Update kudos.css with the location on heart_60x60.png.
  8. In your "_include/themes/[your-theme]/[post|page].html files, add the highlighted HTML where it makes sense.
  9. Enjoy

I can create a jekyll plugin, but since github pages do not support custom jekyll plugins, I wont myself be using the plugins. And hopefully the above steps can be used with minimal changes on other static site/blog generators.


Masukomi for masukomi/kudos, jquery plugin that does the animation.

Published: Apr 15 2013

0 Kudos
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