Love Katju

In a post about promoting Hindi Justice Katju says:

At the function many speakers would say "Agrezi Hatao", that is, abolish Hindi from our country. Some would disparagingly describe English as a "dasi" (slave girl).

When my turn came to speak I would tell the audience that if their children did not learn English they would only be fit to drive bullock carts (Hal chalane layak rah jayenge). I said I, too, love Hindi which is my mother tongue but that does not mean I should behave like a fool. All knowledge in the world is in English. If one went to an Engineering college all the the books are in English, similarly all the books in a Medical College are in English. If one wanted to study history, economics, philosophy, science,literature etc the books are all in English. How could one do without English? It is totally stupid to say "Agrezi Hatao", and only enemies of their children talk like that. In fact we mustspread English more in our country for the country's progress. So, on the occasion of HindiDiwas I make the same appeal.

How can you not love a man who goes to a room full of people and tells them you are all fools and makes a good case about it.

He does have a point, all hindi supporters keep talking about hindi vs english, where as hindi's biggest role would be to unify india. Bollywood is the most popular hindi teaching school, majority of India already knows hindi, if local states accepted hindi, it would be very easy for them to learn hindi, and hindi has potential of becoming a common language that english can not, beyond the elite. Not as a compulsion but as an option.

I love how he takes unconventional positions, justies them using logic and reasoned arguments, and is a shining beacon of freedom in India.

Published: Dec 30 2012

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