Sitting Considered Bad

I am surprised to learn something this week, sitting is bad.

I came across Get Up. Get Out. Don't Sit. via @rahulg.

The gist of the article is that we are not designed for sitting in chairs all day long. Certain metabolic activity is triggered by muscle activity, that does not happen while we sit. Exercise is also not suffecient, to offset this loss. The muscle in back weakens, and it leads to back ache issues, one thing that I personally face once in a while.

The recommendation is standup desks, that is becoming a trend these days.

Standing too much has also its flaws.

I have always found standing better for my energy level, when I have to discuss something on phone, or do a voice recording, or even think about any problem, I tend to stand up and walk.

I am thinking of setting myself a standup work station. Lets see how it goes.

Update: I just had my first day of work on my fridge as standing desk.

Published: Oct 21 2012

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