AmitU's Brush

AmitU's Brush states:

If for a movie, if we can find an alternate interpretation of what happened
in it, that may even contradict with writer and director, but 1. does not
contradict what happened in movie, 2. gives a meaning to the movie far
beyond what movie initially had, then that interpretation should be
considered valid interpretation of the movie.

Applies to books, or even people too. Here is one example for people.

Here is one example, in the movie Looper, the end of the movie leaves open the interpretation that many parallel reality exists and the climax is that of only one of them. Would it be satisfying to know that bad things happen to all characters in most of those parallel realities but the one shown? Of course not.

But a strong case can be made that movie allowed for only one timeline. Alternate realities are possible in future, but only one timeline exists, even tho it may loop back in time. The movie showed things disappearing and appearing, memories getting lost or formed based on what is the current timeline. And when old bruce was killed, when young bruce took the kid, not only old bruce's body disappered, but all memory of him being there, all physical evidence, everything about existance of looper organization, everything disappeared and the only remaining timeline is the one in which everyone lives happily lives everafter.

There is nothing in the movie that contradicts with this. [Other then one plot hole, but arguably not introduced by this interpretation]. This interpretation adds to the movie without taking anything away. And therefore should be considered a valid interpretation, even if writers/director did aim for this.

Here is another example, applied on a person:

Hitler is universal bad guy. But lets apply amitu's brush on him, lets look at the world with and without him. He created a world in which there was no more wars. He may not have wanted to create that world, but he was instrumental to it. Today the peace we enjoy is direct consequence of his actions. Wars were common occurances, countries used to keep fighting with each other, he ended that era of our history. He killed a lot of innocent people, but all wars do.

I am not saying he was not a monster, but so were everyone who were involved with wars, and by showing the real ugly face of wars and power, Hitler did a favor too. It is easy to create alternate reality stories in which Hitler cried when he killed those he did (who is there to say he did not when no one was looking, who is there to say he did not put a mask of monster), so he can save those who were saved when era of war ended. The only worthy question to ask is if the world is a better place with him or without him, would wars have stopped on their own without the ugly worldwars that crippeled every war lusting countries ability to wage wars?

Point is there is no point in spending all time in reality, certain kind of picture can be painted by taking amitu's brush in hand, that diverges from reality, without taking too much away, but by giving a more awesome story.

Here is another example.

At the end of the day only stories matter. The awesomer they are the better.

Published: Oct 17 2012

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