About This Blog


This is my newest blog. I have been blogging since almost when the word blogging was coined. My first blog was managed by blogger.com. Eventually came a time when I got frustrated by blogger. One of my prime gripe was lack of control over it, no proper way to handle one off static pages. Blogger is good for a blog but not a site.

Being a web developer I did what is obvious next choice, wrote my own blogging engine. I decided to forgo database for storing blog posts and instead stored them in a git repo. I called in gitology.

I made a mistake with that gitology. I tried to handle comments too with gitology. This meant my blog had to be a dynamic site instead of a static html site. I had to deploy my site on a django friendly host, limiting my options.

On Content

I wrote an import system that got my old posts out from blogger, but this lead to be a problem instead. I have overgrown quite a few of the things, and the old blog always put me in the old "place", and this lead to me not blogging at all. So I decided to start afresh.

Archive.org has got my old blog in wayback machine.

Latest Setup

For the blog I still want to use git repository concept. Which lead me to jekyll. There are a few alternatives, hyde being the most prominent one. Hyde is python based, and jekyll ruby. I generally have a python bias, but for this time I decided to stick with jekyll for its support by github.

I used jekyllbootstrap as my starting point as it comes with a theme I liked. A simple clone, and I could start after modifying _config file.

Only time will tell till how long will I stick with it. I love the design and simplicity of the system so far. Though I am not yet sure what is the meaning of jekyll being run by github.

Published: Aug 06 2012

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